Help Us to Make I Matter Framework Training Available Via Schools
Responding to the Gaps in Provision for Children and Families
Help Us to Make I Matter Training Available in Schools
How can we respond to the serious levels of stress being observed in so many of our children and young people?
The research evidence is very clear - we will not be able to make progress on improving outcomes for children without investing in the education and confidence of parents and carers.
The difficulty is that schools are not funded to work with parent education and support though schools are the location in which we find many remarkable professionals who would happily do more for their communities if funding existed,
So we are on a mission in our l fund raising campaign for professional training to make it possible for those schools who have motivated committed staff who are willing to do the training work to be able to do so without finances being the barrier.
On a termly basis we fund raise towards the costs of providing bursaries for schools who are ready and motivated to take a licence with the I Matter Project as a Link or Lead I Matter School
+ You can donate here to our bursary fund for school licences for professionals
We use these funds to offer a graded bursary scheme with a 50% contribution in the first year and a 25% contribution in the second year.
We promise to use your contributions wisely!.
Thank you!
Dr Cathy Betoin
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Cathy Betoin
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