I Matter Training Standard Terms and Conditions
Please read this agreement entirely and carefully before purchasing or using any online I Matter Course, workshop, online tool, downloadable resource, consultation, membership, or enhanced service for yourself or on behalf of others. By purchasing or using an I Matter Course, resource, or enhanced study support service for yourself or another person, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below and accept our policies listed below. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, do not purchase or use the programme or agree to work with us and our services.
Data Protection and Privacy Policy
Cookie Policy
Safeguarding - SOS Disclaimer
Copyright and License conditions
Acceptable Uses
Terms of Website use
Bookings and Cancellations
Complaints and Compliments
Dr Cathy Betoin is an experienced clinical psychologist registered in the UK and regulated by the Health Professions Council. She has over 20 years of experience in public and private sector practice and adheres to the professional codes of practice provided by the Health Professions Council, the British Psychological Society and by the Division of Clinical Psychology. In her professional practice her work is informed by an Adult Child Well-Being 'I Matter' approach. She is actively involved in training others.
Cathy Betoin carries full professional insurance. She provides all I Matter Course and related psychological consultations through I Matter Training Ltd, Registered offices: 12 Collincroft Kendal, LA9 4TH, address for correspondence: I Matter Training, c/o Stramongate House, Kendal, LA9 4BH. The company is set up as a social enterprise and is registered in England and Wales under company number No 07570100. The email address is [email protected]. The Data Controller Registration No is PZ324409X
The I Matter Training delivers training based on free and purchased online content, provided, in association with other third parties, including www.greenrope.com, www.jigsawbox.com, www.finishagent.com, thinkific.com, www.kashflow.com, LinkedIn and facebook.com/imatterproject. Some of these third parties are hosted outside the European Union. The project also provides workshops and consultations.
This is a new project and is still in a trial period. As such some of our policies and procedures and resources are still being developed and refined. If you do not wish to take part during a trial period, do not purchase our programme or use our services. In particular because this product has involved finding a way forward in a complex field, please be aware that to date this project has been developed and produced with no external sources of financial support and without any production team. Therefore the quality of the production is sometimes not of a standard that you may have anticipated or prefer. If this is likely to bother you, we advise that you do not use our services. Alternatively, remember that parenting complex children often involves accepting what is good enough - so focus on the message - or send a donation towards a revised version!
You should print a copy of these Terms and Conditions for your records as we may change these Terms from time to time. They may change more frequently during the trial period. They were last checked and updated on 29/04/2018
Disclaimer about scope of course content:
The content of I Matter Courses can be experienced as being of a sensitive and sometimes challenging nature. All purchasers and participants to online I Matter Courses, and any and all related media, shall be over 18 years unless by specific written permission from a named responsible adult. The information and reference materials contained in I Matter courses are intended solely for the general information of the participant. They are not to be used to diagnose mental health or developmental problems and should not take the place of local professional medical or educational care, but rather may be used alongside support from the purchaser’s own medical or mental health or educational professionals.
You should be aware that I Matter Training and linked courses represent a personal synthesis of a great deal of complex information. As such, the integration is not formally accepted nor formally rejected by any professional body with which Cathy Betoin is associated. Some of the course content is still evolving through the ongoing process of learning from and with clients and colleagues. Cathy Betoin reserves the right to make changes to course content without notice.
Due to the nature of training and coaching, Cathy Betoin, nor I Matter Training Ltd do not guarantee any particular result. Cathy will endeavour to ensure that all information or guidance that she provides is accurate and up-to-date but she or I Matter Training Ltd shall not be liable for any claims arising from such information being disputed, inaccurate or not up-to-date or otherwise, nor for any perceived 'lack of progress in adult or their child. For more details see our SOS-Disclaimer.
We are a training and coaching service, and we work in partnership with schools and services to deliver parent education and support. We are not an emergency support or therapy service and should clients or delegates require urgent support they are directed to local support services or to online resources such as Young Minds Parent Helpline
Needs of Your Child and Yourself - The I Matter Online Questionnaire
When first considering I Matter Training as a parent you will usually be invited to complete an well-known questionnaire known as the SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire)/. Later if you wish to take part in our paid courses you will complete an online screening questionnaire known as the Adult-Child I Matter Questionnaire or I Matter Q. This copyrighted in-house questionnaire enables your Lead professional or study supporter to have an indication of the challenges you are facing.
If the SDQ or I Matter Q indicates that you are coping with a child presenting with additional complex or escalated challenges or that you are in a clear state of overwhelm, we usually recommend that you do NOT access further I Matter Training unless you have sufficient informed professional support in place in your locality. We reserve the right to refuse further access to our online training services if we are concerned that sufficient local support is not in place.
The Adult-Child I Matter Questionnaire has not yet been externally validated but is based on many years of experience and is interpreted with this experience in mind. We are working locally with others to explore validation and use other externally validated measures alongside if appropriate in some of our projects.
If you work with us over a period of time we will ask you to complete this questionnaire again and this allows us to look at change and helps us to guide you to the key priorities.
You should not provide any identifying details such as real names or dates of birth of any child under 18 years of age. You are advised to use initials or screennames only.
Any reporting summaries we create are used only for the purposes of deciding whether or not it is suitable for us to provide training services to you in partnership with others. When you complete the questionnaires on a second or third occasion the information is used to help understand how things are changing. They are not intended for any other purpose and should not be used in any other way without formal consent from us.
Requesting Access to the Information We Hold, Deleting and Archiving of Records
The information that we store on our systems is based on the information that you have provided directly to us so we do not ordinarily share it with you, until you have been working with us for a longer period of time. If you would like to see a copy of information that you have entered in questionnaires or in online courses you can write to us requesting a full copy which we can download for you.
Once you have completed an A or B course we will usually deactivate your relevant accounts, unless you decide to become an ongoing active member. You should contact us by email at [email protected] clearly specifying your name and the email that you used to register.
We keep an anonymised copy of all data that you share for our own legitimate company purposes. If we have had no further contact from you or interest in our emails then we will ordinarily make your account inactive after 2 years and stop sending you emails. According to the level of involvement you have had we will then make a decision to retain or delete your records.
Contracts with Schools and Services
Any school or service wishing to purchase or otherwise work with I Matter Training to deliver CPD, screening, parent education and support or any other I Matter informed service must set up an initial licensing contract. This contract should be set up with the supporting authority of a suitable member of your school or service senior leadership team. The initial license is intended to insure that as an organisation you are fully cognisant of our Terms and Conditions so that we can work safely together. As I Matter Training is working in an area of innovative practice, any shared project involving professional or parent education is managed as an Action Research partnership Study with named professionals, clearly defined scope and participants and with clear processes set up with agreed Key Performance Indicators and careful monitoring of outcomes.
In agreeing an organisational contract with us you agree on behalf of your organisation to ensure that staff members adhere to our Terms and Conditions. You agree not to permit copying or reproducing of our posters, or screening assessment tools. Tools can be purchased directly from the i Matter Training under license for use by a Trainee Lead Professional as part of an Action Research Project Plan. Organisational membership level can be described as follows
Tasters: your staff take part in an introductory workshop
Exploring: you have one-two staff members committing to the Basic Certificate
Researching: you initiate your first small Action Research Project supporting a professional CPD, child coaching or parent education pathway with a Lead professional
Adopting: You are more confident in the delivery of parent education and are on track for the I Matter Quality Mark
Sharing: You work with us to promote these ideas to other schools and services in your locality
At present our pricing structure is still being stabilised. Finding the appropriate price to ensure that schools and services and parents can access the training in a timely fashion and at an affordable rate is a company priority.
I Matter CPD Certificates and Professional Practitioner Training
Any I Matter training provided to professionals or parents is provided as an organising framework or approach only. We do not offer anyone a professional licence to practice.
We offer three core certificate Continuing professional Development (CPD) programs: Foundation A and B, Intermediate A and B and Advanced Certificate
We have three core I Matter Practitioner roles: Child Coach, Parent Study Supporter, and Lead Practitionerl (with school or community focus).
Our core CPD Training does NOT entitle a professional to describe themselves as an I Matter professional practitioner. Those who have completed I Matter Certificates may describe themselves as providing 'I Matter Informed Practice'. Those who have completed I Matter Certificates may NOT use our assessment tools for anything other than for personal use only. These screening assessment tools should be used only by registered I Matter Practitioners or Trainee Practitioners.
To become registered as a Trainee I Matter Practitioner involves a formal application on completion of the Foundation or Intermediate Certificate. If accepted, a professional will become a registered Trainee Practitioner and will start to complete a log book. Their name will appear on our searchable professional register. Only on completion of the certification requisites will they be entitled to describe themself as an Approved I Matter practitioner. A Study Supporter training is a minimum of 12 months. A Lead Professional is a minimum of 2 years. Those professionals who wish to remain approved practitioners must complete the recertification expectations required to retain their approved status.
All of our courses are delivered through workshops and online learning. Some of the online learning can be pursued as independent self-paced learning and some is offered with enhanced support from Dr Cathy Betoin or from an I Matter trainee or approved Study Supporter practitioner with an appropriate level of competence.
License Terms - Use of I Matter Resources
During completion of CPD Certificates: The training and resources are for your personal development only
On completion of CPD Foundation A: You may describe yourself as offering I Matter informed practice. You may purchase and use our posters in 1:1 professional relationships but you may not teach I Matter content to groups nor use our screening tools in professional settings
Trainee Study Support Practitioners: You may use our posters and provide support to online learning tools under supervision of Lead Professionals. You can only use our questionnaires and assessment tools as part of an approved Action Research Project managed by a Lead Professional
Approved Study Support Practitioners: You can be paid for Study Support offered to parents under supervision of a Lead Professional
Trainee School or Community Lead Professional: You may use poster and assessment tools within defined Action Research projects
Approved Lead Practitioners: You may describe yourself as an I Matter Approved Practitioner and can use our posters and assessment tools and may teach I Matter ideas in workshops and in 1:1
Disciplinary Policy
I Matter Training seeks to work with organisations and professionals who are committed to the spirit and the intent of the approach. We are committed to working through conflicts by sharing perspectives and seeking resolutions to disagreements. We expect members of the I Matter Project to behave with professionalism and integrity. Should we receive one or more verbal or written complaints or expressions of concern about the behaviour of an organisation or professional we will do our best to investigate in a timely and fair fashion. We may not always be party to all of the key information but nonetheless reserve the absolute right to decide to suspend or terminate a working relationship between the I Matter Project and an organisation or professional if we have reasonable reason for concerns about what we have observed. At this point the name of the organisation or professional will be removed from our publically searchable data base. Any further appropriate actions will proceed as required.
Licence Fees
Trainee practitioners who wish to be part of our network must pay an annual licence fee. Their name will appear on our professional practitioner listing. As a trainee practitioner they can submit plans for an Action Research Project in partnership with a member organisation with Community and School Lead Practitioners. They will not be paid but will be offered logistics, and supervisory support. Once approved, the Study Supporter can offer Study Support to parents for our agreed fees.
if in doubt about the status of someone claiming to be an approved I Matter practitioner please check our professional registe
I Matter Psychoeducational Tools
In the course of I Matter studies professionals and parents will encounter a number of I Matter online and paper based questionnaires that are used to help guide your thinking. The most commonly used in house tools include:
The I Can Control and Calm Myself Checklist
The Incident Intensity Scale
The I Matter Developmental Checklist
The I Matter Adult-Child Questionnaire (our initial online registration tool)
These inhouse tools have been developed by Dr Cathy Betoin as part of an Action Research Process to respond to an observed gap in tools to understand the parent-child relationship and the foundation stones of early child development. They are intended for use to help better understand the needs and challenges of the more complex or challenging child. Though these tools have strong face validity they have not been externally validated and therefore we see them as having an educative function so that parents are clearer about what the child is needing and why from adults.
When encountered as part of a certificate course they are for personal use only. They should only be used by professionals in a professional capacity if they are registered trainees on the Lead Professional program pathway and as a defined part of a specific Action Research Project. Therefore I Matter questionnaires may not be used without appropriate training and without appropriate consents from the I Matter Project.
Posters Use Licence
In the course of I Matter Training you will have the opportunity to use a wide number of posters . These posters are licenced to you to assist you in understanding your own child or your focus child - ie for your personal and non-commercial use only. They are not for copying or reproduction for any purpose without written consent and without an appropriate licence in place. Please see the Copyright and Licence Conditions
Legal Disclaimers
• I Matter Courses are for self-help and educational purposes only. They are not providing therapy though their intent is therapeutic.
• participation in I Matter courses or use of resources does not establish a professional-client therapeutic relationship with Dr Cathy Betoin or with any I Matter Practitioner
• Participants should always consult a qualified local health care provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions for themselves or a child
• While I Matter courses attempt to be as accurate as possible, they should not be relied upon as being comprehensive or error-free
- The in house tools we use to guide thinking about the needs of yourself and your child are not validated instruments and should be used only in association with other validated and acceptable forms of evidence.
This web site is provided on an "as is," "as available", basis without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, those of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement or any warranty as to accuracy, timeliness, completeness or arising from a course of dealing, usage, or trade practice. No oral advice or written information provided by Dr Cathy Betoin or I Matter Practitioner shall create a warranty; nor shall purchasers of I Matter Courses rely on any such information or advice.
The purchaser assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of I Matter Courses. Under no circumstances shall I Matter Training Ltd, Dr Cathy Betoin, an I Matter Practitioner or anyone else involved in creating or maintaining these online courses be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, or lost profits or distress, that result directly or indirectly from the use, or inability to use, the programme and/or any other web sites which are linked to this site – or that result directly or indirectly from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, viruses, error, defects, or any failure of performance, communications failure, theft, destruction or unauthorized access.
This contract is between you and I Matter Training Ltd and is governed by English law.
What you will obtain from our services
We warrant to you that the I Matter Online Courses and Course materials and Consultations purchased from us are of satisfactory quality and reasonably fit to deliver the stated learning outcomes for which the course, resource or consultation is supplied. Due to the nature of training and coaching and the fact that your success is dependent on a number of factors over which we have no control, we aim to help you meet our stated learning outcomes or contract objectives but we do not guarantee any particular results. Though we may advise some general courses of action, we are not party to all of the details in your situation so you remain responsible at all times for the decisions you choose to take regarding the welfare of yourself or your child.
We will endeavour to ensure that all information that we provide is accurate and up-to-date but we shall not be liable for any claims arising from such information being inaccurate or not up-to-date or otherwise.
The only support that will be included in the basic price of the I Matter Online Training Courses is technical support if you have problems downloading and saving the documents or viewing the videos. Enhanced Study Support Services and Consultations with Dr Cathy Betoin or an I Matter Practitioner are provided at an additional cost but are at present only available as a very limited service.
On completion of an online course you will be awarded a Participation Certificate detailing the requisite number of hours of CPD study. These certificates do not however entitle you to call yourself a licenced I Matter Practitioner, unless by prior written consent from I Matter Training Ltd
Disability and Equality of Rights
We endeavour to be mindful throughout the delivery of all of our workshops and online resources of inclusivity towards all participants regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, disability, sexuality. Should you be aware of any issue in which you believe we have not been adequately mindful or attentive please let us know at the earliest possible date. You could email us on [email protected] or you could submit a complaintwhich we will endeavour to address at the earliest possible date.
Health and Safety
When taking part in events within I Matter Project office space or within spaces provided by partners, we endeavour to ensure that your use of venues is subject to a clear Health and Safety review and a regularly updated risk assessment reviews. These are kept in our main offices at Sand Aire House, Suite 2 in Kendal. Should you be aware of any risks that you believe have not been appropriately managed, please let us know immediately by email [email protected] or by phone on 08432 898142
All products remain the property of I Matter Training Ltd until full payment is made. The price applicable is that set at the date on which you place your order. Shipping costs and payment fees (if applicable) are recognized before confirming the purchase. If you are under 18 years old you must have parents' permission to buy from I Matter Training Ltd.
All transfers conducted through I MatterTraining Ltd are handled and transacted through third party dedicated gateways to guarantee your protection. Card information is not stored and all card information is handled over SSL encryption. Please read the terms & conditions for the payment gateway chosen for the transaction as they are responsible for the transactions made.
Local Taxes
Please note that local charges (sales tax, customs duty) may occur, depending on your region and local customs duties. These charges are at the customers own expense.
Return Policy
You are entitled to an exchange or refund within 14 days of your purchase of any printed material product or online tool purchased from this site provided that they have not been logged onto, opened or used. Please note that any printed products must be returned unused, in original packaging including all tags. In case of refund neither the original shipping cost nor the return shipping cost will be repaid. You can find the return address under www.imatterproject.com/contact-us.
Communications with You
In order to provide you with our educational courses we initially request your email address. If you wish to progress to our paid courses, we ask you to complete a more detailed registration questionnaire which includes requesting your mobile phone and address. Because email can sometimes be unreliable, we use your phone and address only for the purpose of communicating with you about specific courses that you are taking. We use your email address to inform you about additional courses. We may sometimes email you a summary of the information that you have provided to us in a summary report format.
Acceptance of our Terms and Conditions presumes acceptance of our use of your email and phone to communicate with you. We do our very best to preserve the confidentiality of your information however email and mobile phone may not always be fully secure and encryption services may not always be fully reliable. If you do not wish us to use these forms of communication, you should not agree to use our services.
Booking and cancellations
Are managed in accordance with our booking and cancellation policy
Potential Cessation of Services
We shall endeavour to give you due warning of any potential cessation of services. However, in the event that we, in our absolute discretion decide to discontinue any part or whole or the courses or services of the I Matter Project, we shall not be liable to you in any way and no refunds of any kind shall be provided.
Membership and Subscriptions
Extended access to online courses and resources provided by the I Matter Project is via our membership site
Organisational Membership is structured by a stepped process intended to encourage schools and services to invest in staff training, developmental thinking and parent education. There is no charge to become an organisational member and set up a basic licence for Action Research and membership confers certain benefits for linked staff and parents. You should be aware that the details of these arrangements are still being worked out and are subject to change.
Individual Membership for professionals and parents is structured by a process that is intended to support a training journey and a journey towards more confidence as an adult of the more complex child. Individual membership is included in the cost of Foundation and Intermediate Certificate Training and Advanced Certificate Training and is required in order to retain access to online course materials following course completion. Ongoing Membership is charged on a recurring subscription basis. You can cancel your membership at any time. However once a payment has been made we do not offer refunds. You should be aware that the details of these arrangements are still being worked out and are subject to change.
If you decide not to pursue further involvement with the I Matter Project on completion of your training your online course material from A and B courses will be archived and no longer accessible.
In in accordance with our privacy policy you may request deletion of your account though we do not recommend this in case you decided to pursue further training at a later date.
Online Conduct.
Visitors and members agree to use any shared areas of our website and linked services only for lawful purposes and are prohibited from posting any unlawful, harmful, threatening, harassing, abusive, defamatory or obscene material of any kind, including, but not limited to, any material which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law. This is applicable to any posting that could be termed as Sexual Harassment and or Discrimination.
Forum and Moderation
If and when we provide a Forum it may not be moderated. However you are expected to comply with our content standards which are intended to govern respectful and legal online conduct. We are under no obligation to you or any other person to oversee monitor or moderate any forum provided on our site. We reserve the right however to remove or to disable access to any contribution which comes to our attention which we deem to be potentially defamatory of any person or which we deem unlawful or in violation of any third party rights. We expressly exclude our liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of the Forum by any person in contravention of these terms. If you become aware of any issue in contravention of this intent, please inform us at the earliest possible date by emailing [email protected]
Forum and Membership Content Standards
All contribututions to Forum and Membership sites should be of a manner that is intended to be respectful and supportive of other users. It is not acceptable to post contributions that are potentially harmful, defamatory, unlawful or in violation of third party rights.
Disclaimer of Endorsements.
Reference to any products, services, third-party links or other information by trade name, trademark, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by Dr Cathy Betoin, but are merely for convenience.
Disclosures and Privacy Policy (in brief).
The online I Matter Courses and linked administrative resources are held on third party secure servers, some of which are located outside the Economic European Area and subject to different legal frameworks. We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the online content will be available at all times during the course of the Programme but in the event that such content (or any content added by you or other participants in the Programme) is not available in whole or in part at any time, or becomes corrupted, is deleted or is failed to be stored, we shall have no liability in any circumstances.
We acknowledge that we will have access to your confidential information and we agree not to, (except in the proper course of our duties) use or disclose to any third party such confidential information. This restriction does not apply to: (a) any use or disclosure authorised by you or required by law; (b) any use or disclosure which we in our absolute discretion consider necessary or advisable in order to prevent illegal acts or harm to you or to others; or (c) any information which is already in, or comes into, the public domain otherwise than through our unauthorised disclosure.
As part of the I Matter courses, adults are asked to think about specific children. In order to protect confidentiality, when it comes to recording any information about children or other adults, participants should not use any identifying details such as names or dates of birth.
We make the following assurances of privacy for purchasers of the programme: We may, at our option, keep track of purchasers of the online programme via an automatic monitoring program that tells us, among other things, the number of people purchasing the programme and the outcome measure score results. This information may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of our programme.
Information supplied by the purchaser will be private to each individual and cannot be seen by any other user. If you believe otherwise, please inform us of your concern at the earliest possible date. All information will remain confidential and will not be used other than for the purposes of improving and developing this resource. We may communicate with your funder about course completion rates.
I Matter Training Ltd uses cookies according to the new Electronic Communications Act, which came into force on 25 July 2003. A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer that contains information that helps the website to identify and track the visitor. Cookies do no harm to your computer, consist only of text, can not contain viruses and occupies virtually no space on your hard drive. There are two types of cookies: "Session Cookies" and cookies that are saved permanently on your computer.
The first type of cookie commonly used is "Session Cookies". During the time you visit the website, our web server assigns your browser a unique identifier string so as not to confuse you with other visitors. A "Session Cookie" is never stored permanently on your computer and disappears when you close your browser. To use my website without troubles you need to have cookies enabled.
The second type of cookie saves a file permanently on your computer. This type of cookie is used to track how visitors move around on the website. This is only used to offer visitors better services and support. The text files can be deleted. On this site I use this type of cookie to keep track of your shopping cart (if relevant) and to keep statistics of my visitors. The information stored on your computer is only a unique number, without any connection to personal information.
For more details see our full Privacy Policy. I Matter Training Ltd shall reserve the right to update this Disclosures and Privacy Policy from time to time.
If you have any concerns about I Matter Courses, its functionality, the form and content of the programme or concerns or suggestions, these can be directed to: [email protected]
Website terms of use and acceptable uses
This site shall not be used for any fradulent or criminal activity. You may not link to this website without written consent from I Matter Training Ltd. You must not misuse our site by knowingly introducing any material which is malicious or technologically harmful.
You must treat as confidential any user identification code, password or other security feature in relation to our site. If, in our opinion, you aren’t complying with these terms of use, we have the right to disable any such code, password or feature at any time. For more details see our Website Terms of Use.
Copyright Notice.
Copyright © CBetoin. All rights are reserved. The online courses, its text, graphics, audio/video files and all media affixed with Cathy Betoin's name, belongs to Dr Cathy Betoin and is protected by law. Users may print or download information from this site for personal non-commercial use only. If you provide educational services, you should NOT print our posters from online files on our website or in our courses without specific written permission. A licence can be obtained to purchase and use our resources so please email us for further information. Permission to otherwise reprint, reproduce, redistribute or resell any content herein, in whole or in part, is prohibited unless prior written consent is obtained from the copyright holder. For more details see our Copyright Notice. All permissions requests shall be delivered by e-mail to: [email protected]
Compliments and Complaints
We want you to be satisified with your experience. We value hearing from you an will seek to address your concerns according to our compliments and complaints policy.
The English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from, or related to, use of I Matter Online courses, workshops or consultations.
Last checked and updated on25/05/2018