Our Social Mission

The Adult-Child Well-Being 'I Matter' Framework promotes adult-child relationship health for professionals and parents of challenging or complex children. We see this as key to recovery of wellbeing for adults and children with respect to a full range of mental and physical health conditions.   We have two main aspirations:

'The parent-carer who is looking for help to support a child with challenging or complex behaviour can access a wholistic approach in timely fashion in supportive partnership with their child's school and community'.

'Schools are delivering a developmentally sensitive national curriculum in partnership with parents that prioritises social emotional development not just literacy and numeracy'

'Communities are proactively supporting themeselves'

To achieve this end, we provide psychoeducation and support to:
1.   Improve professional understanding of the social-developmental needs of children
2.   Support schools and services in developing the capacity to provide affordable impactful parent education and support
3.   To build a community focussed approach that supports parents and carers of the complex child over the longer-term

We aim to connect with people and help transform relationship confidence

The balloons were released from the top of the Kendal golf course in summer 2013.  They represent the hopes that we share with families all over the country who are struggling to understand and help children who are displaying complex or challenging behaviour.  They also represent the belief and knowledge we have that against the odds and even when things feel quite despairing, it is possible to find a way through and to see a positive difference.   Our logo represents the small step wise skills that adults and young people have to learn in order to see those positive differences.

About our Team 

Our balloons were released from the top of the Kendal golf course in 2013.  They represent the hope that we have that it is possible to make a difference.

Dr Cathy Betoin,  Director of the I Matter Project

Clinical psychologist, Teacher and Parent.  

After nearly 30 years of practice with children and adults with complex social emotional needs seen in the context of CAMHS and Child Psychology, Adoption, Fostering and Paediatric services, I now specialise in adult-child relationship health, with a focus on understanding challenging complex behaviour in children in the context of confusion, overwhelm and exhaustion in adults.   As a specialist, I take the guesswork out of the return to well-being and health at home and in the community.

I train professionals and parents and lead a team of practitioners in the Kendal area in an I Matter approach.  Together we identify the contributors to the adult-child relationship challenges including where adult-child relationships are on the path to recovery of relationship health.   With our joined up approach, we help you systematically address the factors that are contributing to the current difficulties and help you move forward with tried and tested solutions that support you in moving step by step on your journey back to family wellbeing being and health including healthy social development for children and adults at home, at school and in community

In my spare time I love walking in the Lake District and Pyreneean fells and cycling with my recently acquired electric bike!

Annie Truch - Adminstrator 

Tim Forsdick - IT Support 


Dr Amy Lee  - GP Safeguarding Lead,  

Lead GP for Kendal ICC and Chair I Matter Steering Group 

Special Advisory Panel

<more information coming shortly)