Help us to Help Parents-Carers to Build Their I Matter Confidence and Skills
Responding to the Gaps in Provision for Children and Families
Help us to Help Parents-Carers to Build Their I Matter Confidence and Skills
There is widespread concern about the well-being of children and young people but where is the investment in the skills and confidence of parents and carers?
Decades of research evidence has evidenced that one of the most important element in stabilising the well-being of children is strong healthy adult-child relationships. These in turn depend on healthy functioning communities which help the parent-carer to meet the child's developmental needs
These priorities are not however the priority in any of our current strategies in children's mental health.
Consequently even a parent or carer who is actively asking for help can struggle to access it. We see this details therefore as a critcal missing links in our strategy
We are therefore on a mission to make it possible for parents-carers who want support and want to learn to be able to access the training and guidance that they need with the support of their children's schools and nurseries and colleges.
If you are someone who would like to donate to our work to support parents then we would also be very grateful.
We don't offer any 100% bursaries because we have seen that it is vitally important for parents and carers to be ready to do the work that is involved. However we do bursaries to support those parents and carers who have shown through our structured process that that readiness is there.
On a termly basis we fund raise towards the costs of running our parent-education programme.
This is how our fund raising and bursary funding process operates:
+ We currently only offer I Matter Training to parents and carers who are linked to member schools and services (we want schools to add us as a key element of what they offer pupils and parents)
+ Schools have to go through a training process to equip them to be able to refer parents to a local community hub study support programme or offer study support inhouse.
+ We ask parents to pay for their own registration fees (£30pp)
+ We seek funds to support consultations for those parents who are experiencing highly escalated stress levels
+ We raise funds to run our Getting Started Workshops for parents as a key starting point for their I Matter Learning Journey
+ We ask parents to pay for their own online part 1 account
+ We ask schools to build the capacity to provide study support for parents-carers for Part 1 either in salaried time or as a study support that can also be funded by parents
+ We fund raise to provide bursaries for parents and carers who want to access specific coaching via our B courses or want to progress to Part 2
We report on the way we have used our bursary funds every term.
+ You can donate to our fund for bursaries for the many parents-carers who ask for help
We promise to use your contributions wisely!.
Thank you!
Dr Cathy Betoin
Welcome to the I Matter Project
Donate to Our Bursary Fund for Low Income Parents-Carers
Your Feedback and Ideas
Cathy Betoin
If you are interested;