I Matter Lead Professional Training
Preparing you to run inhouse study support for parents and carers
I Matter Lead Professional Training
If you have completed your Foundation A and B and Intermediate A course and you would like to work toward being able to offer study supported learning for other professionals and parents in your own school or setting .
You can offer study support in salaried time or by agreement with your school or service in extra time under a freelance agreement with your school
Lead Professional training is a 1 year programme.
+ In the first term you will do the preparation work
+ in the second stage you will start a study support process for professionals
+ ih the final stages you will run a study support process for inhouse parents and carers
You will be part of a group of other professionals who are gaining experience together in faciliating important conversations and supporting a change of culture and attitudes towards parents and carers who are struggling.
We provide clear guidelines for the conduct and pricing of study support sessions
I Matter Lead Professional Training
Cathy Betoin
If you are interested