An Introduction to the I Matter Framework - 

A webinar and/or workshop  

How can we respond to make a difference to children's wellbeing?  

This introduction to the I Matter Framework is intended to help you take a fresh look at some everyday challenges.   You will learn what the I Matter Framework is, why it is needed and how it can help professionals and parents and young people.

One of the key premises of our work is that though there is a lot of discussion around about transforming services, there are still some massively overlooked issues that need to be taken into account if we are serious about improving outcomes for children and families. 

Therefore I Matter Framework Courses are all about making some time to think - as YOU have a really key role to play;


On completion of this webinar or workshop you can consider applying for further training  

i) either as part of our regular rolling programme or 

ii) on an I Matter one day Intensive.  

Perhaps you might register with a group of colleagues from your locality who want to study together


Our parent-carer programmes are currently run only in partnership with member schools and services.   If your child's school is not involved, why not speak to them about attending an introductory webinar or workshop themselves?  

The training course offered is the same as that offered for professionals simply with a different focus.

What people say about an I Matter Approach

If this approach was used, interventions would be better matched to need and more effective. It removes the current thinking that the "child" is the problem that needs "fixing" and works with the system around the child which in my view is far more helpful and effective.   Headteacher and Parent

This course has changed the way I think about my home and work roles.   I now enjoy both of them far more and feel more effective. Relationships have improved and deepened and I now feel more hopeful we can make a difference.   GP and Parent


Webinar:  Weds 1st May 8-9pm

Workshop Professionals:  Friday 3rd May 10.00-12.00 

Workshop Parents-Carers-via KICC:  Friday 3rd May 1.30-2.45 

Venue:  Kendal   Captain French Lane Surgery

NEXT DATES:   14th June, 1st August, 20th Sept 15th Nov


Please contact us if you would like to take part in a webinar or a workshop as places will be limited.

Please note:   To take part in the Intensive day, you must have attended one of these workshops or webinars.  

If you have attended a webinar, we ask you to complete the questions which invite some reflection on what you have heard.

We will also offer preferential places on the Intensive Day and Foundation Programme to those who we have met face to face at a workshop

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    I Matter Framework Introductory Webinar for Professionals

    • Welcome to the I Matter Framework - Introductory Webinar

    • How to get best value from your webinar

    • The Introductory Webinar

    • The Structure and Pace of I Matter Training

    • What people say

    • How to share I Matter with Others

    • Becoming a LINK Professional or a LEAD Professional or a PARENT MENTOR

    • I Matter Quality Marks for Schools and Communities

    • Licensing

    • Webinar Review

About the instructor

Clinical Psychologist, Teacher and Parent

Cathy Betoin

This is the instructor section. You can use this space to tell and show your students who you are and why you're the perfect person to teach the course you're offering. You can talk about your work and education history, and really anything else that shows off who you are so your students get excited about learning from you. You're the expert after all, this is your chance to shine!